Tuesday 20 August 2013

No. 11 - Excuses excuses.

So I've been busy. I moved house, I got a dog, I had 8 years worth of hair growth removed from my hair. All pretty epic things. The first of which left me without internet for a good while. The first two left me insanely busy. The last just left me slightly cold around the ears but it's still pretty epic.

I might have to work pretty hard to have the next comic up by Sunday. I did have a buffer mind you. Now I don't.


Chapter 2 Page 21
So this page broke the mould for me. Back when I drew the comic by hand everything had to be at a fixed zoom*. Apparently these days it doesn't. I didn't really have any plans to zoom out for panel one, but then I tried to fit an entire room into a double panel and realised it couldn't be done, that's one advantage of building each room featured in the comic like it's a stage, I do that now.While I was at it I put the bottom right panel(s) as 125% zoom for dramatic effect. I'll try not to over use it though.

*I used to draw the comic around a 2 pence piece (which makes sense because I'm British), the whole comic idea and certainly the style came from seeing what I can draw using a circle as a base...

... I might of have more to say on that. I'll mention it if it comes up. Right now I'm a bit distracted, dogs are distracting... So update! Yay.

I'll try and have a new one up on Sunday.


Sunday 11 August 2013

No. 10

Chapter 2 Page 20
I've been looking forward to this moment for ages! Of course it would have happened a lot sooner without the hiatus. I'm getting the hang of lighting effects, just about. Maybe.

Sunday 4 August 2013

No. 9 - So far, so good

Having the comic running again is fun. Though I have found myself distracted by making Project Wonderful ads. It's no good advertising the comic if I don't make the updates it.

Chapter 2 Page 19
The problem I faced in this page was the lighting. Considering S-C was supposed to prepare me for making RTP it failed as far as working out lighting is concerned. A simple drop in light was easy enough to create but combining that with the light from the Frefly was trickier. I also wanted light to be coming from the open lift doors which I managed to a degree. Maybe it's too dark now, I'm not sure. I even considered forgetting about the lighting effects altogether but then that sort of ruins the creepy atmosphere. Oh and look, something can wipe the smile of Robot's face.


Sunday 28 July 2013

No. 8 - Robot Again

And we're back! Exactly 15 months late, but back nonetheless. You can look back in this blog to see why I've been away. I hope you enjoyed reading Sub-Consensus these past [6/7] weeks.

Chapter 2 Page 18
I'm happy with the way this page turned out. As I thought the biggest challenge was fitting everyone in and there are soem great expressions lost behind other people's bodies.

Next page is next Sunday.


Friday 26 July 2013

No. 7 - Imminent

This Sunday I'm starting updating Robot The Pirate again. I guess now is as good a time as any to start at the beginning and get caught up.

I'm excited. I'm also about to move house and get a dog, not really sure how those things fit in with keeping up with a schedule but if I start putting the date back now I'll never stop, and start.


Wednesday 10 July 2013

No. 6 - Lessons learnt

If nothing else the running update of Sub-Consensus after I finished whole episode has taught me I need to find ways of remaining attached to my work after its done so I can relate to the readers. The stress of not having a buffer definitely didn't appeal to me but when I've done this in the past one advantage was that when the comic was uploaded it was fresh in my head. All the ups and downs of the process came across in my commentaries and when I plugged the comic on Facebook. This time has been different. I have been quite happy to forget about S-C while it updates itself because creatively speaking I've already moved on to working on new Robot The Pirate.

I always said SubCon was an experiment in using Inkscape to make comics and in writing something slightly different (a sit-com). It is a playground for learning through experiences, finding out things I couldn't without actively making a comic.

So my new lesson: make notes to accompany the comic as I go, then weeks/months down the line when the comic is uploaded I'll still have a record of what challenges I faced and what I was proud to accomplish with each and every page. Not only will this be good for readers it'll hopefully keep me involved in the comic as it unfolds and not just the future comic I'm working on. This in turn will be good for keeping me interested in promoting my work to others.

Anyway. That's enough babble for today. SubCon should have updated today I think my settings might be wrong (something I would have picked up on before now had I been following the comic closely) but here's the link to Monday's. Episode 1 ends next Friday, the 19th, then I'm starting RTP again picking up where I left off on Sunday 28th.


Monday 17 June 2013

No. 5

Maybe Aggression is reading Count Your Sheep.

I finished my first RTP page in over a year yesterday. Felt so good!